Break the Silence

closing weekend of Silent Times

28.03.2025 — 29.03.2025 Finissage

Speaking With Silence

–an evening with Adam Broomberg and others, moderated by Nicky Aerts.

26.02.2025 Artist talk

✨ Mystery Mistle Gift P-Arty ✨

a New Year’s celebration by Kunsthal Extra City, MORPHO, Antwerp Art, The Constant Now, Out of Sight and Lichtekooi


Free guided tour on Sunday

through the exhibitions Silent Times and Periphery

26.01.2025 Guided tour

This wall grows at its root

Sana Ghobbeh

23.01.2025 Performance

I Am The Arm

Choreographic intervention by Sandy Williams & Nick Robaey

29.11.2024 Performance

Free guided tour on Sunday

Through the exhibitions Silent Times, The Porous Lodge and Periphery.

24.11.2024 Guided tour

Opening Silent Times

25.10.2024 Opening

Opening The Porous Lodge

In which nothing moves forward on straight lines - Yoel Pytowski

06.09.2024 Opening

Writing table

Work with Kunstenpunt on your application for a grant or project subsidy

02.07.2024 Workshop

Free guided tour on Sunday

Through the exhbitions 'Ancestral Clouds Ancestral Claims' and 'Periphery'

30.06.2024 Guided tour

DE SINGEL: Ancestral Clouds Ancestral Claims

28.06.2024 Screening + talk

CCQO/ARIA: Ancestral Clouds Ancestral Claims

27.06.2024 Screening + talk

Guided tour on Sunday

Through Ancestral Cloud Ancestral Claims en Periphery

26.05.2024 Guided tour

Slapen met Wadi

A dreamy sleep concert in church

19.05.2024 Performative sound installation & listening session

Birthday celebrations

Dynamic DJ set with Brahim Tall

18.05.2024 — 19.05.2024 Music

Gerard Herman & The Four Seasons

Performance by Koba De Meutter, Stella Lohaus, Nikolaas Demoen, Gerard Herman

18.05.2024 Music

Growling as a Form of Language

A performance by Shelter of Trust

18.05.2024 Performance

Language: no broblem - Work in progress

A performance by Marah Haj Hussein

18.05.2024 Performance

GLEAN Talk about 'Periphery

with Bas Blaasse, Melissa Gordon, Hussein Shikha & Clara Spilliaert

18.05.2024 Artist talk

Homesick Tea Gathering

Garden tour and tea ceremony with Kapinga J. Muela Kabeya and Eline De Clercq

18.05.2024 Artistic intervention


Create a nest with Chantal van Rijt (from 7 to 12 years old)

18.05.2024 Workshop


Get carried away by Younes Baba-Ali’s urban intervention

18.05.2024 Artistic intervention


A film screening by Jumana Manna

18.05.2024 Screening

VESSELS (delivery vans)

Discover the artist in you with Ayrton Eblé (from 10 years old)

18.05.2024 Workshop

Antwerp Art Weekend

Free admission & extended opening hours

16.05.2024 — 19.05.2024 Festival

Opening Ancestral Clouds Ancestral Claims

+ Clara Spilliaert & Hussein Shikha in Periphery

10.05.2024 Opening

Juana's Dream - Clara Spilliaert


10.05.2024 Opening

Guided tour on Sunday

Through Carpetland. Critical Tapestries, New Lovin en Periphery

31.03.2024 Guided tour

Guided tour on Sunday

25.02.2024 Guided tour

Free guided tour on Sunday

Through the exhbitions Carpetland. Critical Tapestries., New Lovin and Periphery

28.01.2024 Guided tour

Free guided tour on Sunday

Through the exhbitions Carpetland. Critical Tapestries., Double Voiced and Periphery

17.12.2023 Guided tour

Free guided tour on Sunday

Through the exhbitions Carpetland. Critical Tapestries., Double Voiced and Periphery

26.11.2023 Guided tour

Please Patterns

A performative piano concert by Myriam El Haïk

29.10.2023 Performance

Free guided tour on Sunday

Through the exhbitions Carpetland. Critical Tapestries., Double Voiced and Periphery

29.10.2023 Guided tour

Please Patterns

A performative piano concert by Myriam El Haïk

28.10.2023 Performance

Opening. Carpetland. Critical Tapestries.

With a performative piano concert by Myriam El Haïk

27.10.2023 Opening

From knot to pixel to weft: unraveling new temporalities

A lecture performance by Hussein Shikha on making tapestries

21.10.2023 Lecture

The Image Generator VI

29.09.2023 — 30.09.2023 Festival

Free guided tour on Saturday

Through the exhibitions The Group, Double Voiced & Periphery

23.09.2023 Guided tour

Opening Double Voiced

07.09.2023 Opening

Closing party Antwerp Queer Arts Festival

With a performance by Nina Van Denbempt

26.08.2023 Finissage

Free guided tour on Saturday

Through the exhibitions The Group and Periphery

26.08.2023 Guided tour

Shorts for world peace (summer edition)

Performance & short film evening with Take Over Collective


Join in the making of a Namda carpet

A co-creation with Saiqa Ejay


Opening Antwerp Queer Arts Festival

With performances by Sarjon Azouz & Krzysztof Leon Dziemaszkiewicz

04.08.2023 Opening

Closing party

with Kunstpodium T

29.07.2023 Music

Garden games

An art competition with a slightly clear scoring system

29.07.2023 Artistic intervention

Candied Conversations

Lunch and conversations with Sadaf Malyar

29.07.2023 Artist talk

Free guided tour on Saturday

through the exhibitions The Group and Periphery

29.07.2023 Guided tour

​Ancestry, Posterity, Manhood, Brotherhood

A performance by Brahim Tall

28.07.2023 Performance

Summer nocturnals

A collective drawing session and talk with Souhaila Maalem

28.07.2023 Artist talk

There Are Many Ways of Remembering: Visual Correspondence

by Fatemeh Towhidloo and Forough Jalilian

28.07.2023 Film

Under the hair

A film screening by Maud Narfin Lonis

28.07.2023 Screening

Open call for interns

Discover our vacancies and apply!

19.07.2023 — 31.12.2023

Free guided tour on Sunday

25.06.2023 Guided tour

NICC Talk: Parenthood

A panel discussion with Cleo Fariselli, Yannick Ganseman, Olivia Hernaïz

02.06.2023 Discussion

Free guided tour on Sunday

28.05.2023 Guided tour

Antwerp Artweekend closing party

on the beast of Club Mayz and Marijn Ottenhof

21.05.2023 Music

Whispers of the Wind

A wind reading by Subin Son

20.05.2023 — 21.05.2023 Performance

Antwerp Art Weekend 2023

The programme

18.05.2023 — 21.05.2023 Public Programme

Opening The Group

Marcin Dudek

12.05.2023 — 13.05.2023 Opening

Finissage Images Mon Amour

with guided tour by curator Joachim Naudts

16.04.2023 Finissage

Nicc Talk: fair practice

a talk with Céline Mathieu & Kunstenpunt

07.04.2023 Discussion

Free guided tour on Sunday

26.03.2023 Guided tour

Free guided tour on sunday

26.02.2023 Guided tour

Opening Ring of Animals

Young In Hong

17.02.2023 Opening

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

lecture by Young In Hong

14.02.2023 Lecture

In Exile by Marah Haj Hussein

Performance evening

04.02.2023 Performance

Finissage Memory during Borger Nocturne

Caroline Van den Eynden

27.01.2023 Finissage

Guided tour on Sunday

18.12.2022 — 26.03.2023 Guided tour

Artist walk by Hussein Shikha

During the Antwerp Art Nocturne

03.12.2022 Guided tour

Opening Images Mon Amour

Rabih Mroué

25.11.2022 Opening

Opening Memory during BORGER Nocturne

Caroline Van den Eynden

28.10.2022 Opening

Sound performances

by Mona Hedayati & Aio Frei

15.10.2022 Performance

Rights of Nature

Heidi Ballet, Dorine van Meel & Sami El-Enany

15.10.2022 Talk & performance

The Image Generator

In Sofia, Bulgaria

08.10.2022 Opening

Guided tour on Sunday

25.09.2022 Guided tour

Lichtekooi, Twhylight

an evening with Michael Curran & Duelle


Tales of Symbologies - Reviving Crafts - Stamps

Sadrie Alves & Hussein Shikha

24.09.2022 Workshop

Take over, Gigs and Giggles Garden Party

23.09.2022 — 24.09.2022 Music

Eglė Budvytytė - Songs from the compost: Mutating bodies, imploding stars

in collaboration with Marija Olšauskaitė and Julija Steponaitytė

22.09.2022 — 23.10.2022 Opening

Francesca Hawker

Cover over Cover

28.08.2022 Workshop


The Power of the Potato

28.08.2022 Workshop

Lou Cocody-Valentino, Subin Son, Sadrie Alves, Rose-Myrtha Vercammen en Awa Gaye

Performance hosted by The Constant Now

27.08.2022 Performance

Noam Youngrak Son

Chimera Gastronomy

27.08.2022 Workshop

Baya Collective

Candied Conversations


Closing Party AQAF

met Dj Sylvia Iweanya


The Zangles

summer sessions


Queer Choir Amsterdam

Antwerp Queer Arts Festival


Silvia Martes - The Revolutions That Did (Not) Happen

Artist talk & opening

25.08.2022 Opening

Snowflake Blockbuster

Alise Anna Dzirniece & Jānis Dzirnieks

05.08.2022 — 28.08.2022

Guided tour

31.07.2022 Guided tour

Summer Sessions - Naga Ghost

29.07.2022 Music

Youniss - How will it end?

29.07.2022 Performance

The Consolation of Water Lilies - Bodies of Work

28.07.2022 — 31.07.2022

Built in the Midst - Bodies of Work

14.07.2022 — 24.07.2022

Grand Opening Revolting Times

24.06.2022 Opening

Just like Arcadia - Bodies of Work

24.06.2022 — 10.07.2022

Caer Ascendiendo - Bodies of Work

17.06.2022 — 19.06.2022 Performance


02.06.2022 — 24.06.2022

ENTRANCE - Bodies of Work

26.05.2022 — 12.06.2022 Guest project

White Cube

12.05.2022 Film

Roasted not Toasted

07.05.2022 Discussion

Publication Night

29.04.2022 Guest project

Free guided tour on Sunday

03.04.2022 Guided tour


25.03.2022 Nocturne


25.03.2022 — 26.06.2022 Artistic intervention

Take Over Extra City

16.03.2022 Guest project

Solidarity Ukraine

10.03.2022 — 27.04.2022

Free guided tour on Sunday

06.03.2022 Guided tour

Carbon by Bert Villa

Every Sunday, from 15:00

06.02.2022 — 29.05.2022

Free guided tour on Sunday

06.02.2022 Guided tour

Opening: Made in X and To the Bone

On resources and their exploitation

04.02.2022 Opening

Apparatus 22 - ART IS WORK

04.02.2022 Performance

Guided tour on Sunday with Koi Persyn

07.11.2021 Guided tour

PhD Lunch Talks

05.10.2021 — 08.10.2021

Naively Radical Research Week

04.10.2021 — 10.10.2021

​The Trembling Body

3-Day PhD Seminar

04.10.2021 — 06.10.2021

The Image Generator 2021

23.09.2021 — 26.09.2021

Guided tour on Sunday with Koi Persyn

05.09.2021 Guided tour

Mystical Movie

Irina Jasnowski Pascual

04.09.2021 Film

Imge Özbilge: Kamishibai, delayed animation

Children's workshop (6 - 12 years)

29.08.2021 Workshop

Anne Kluytenaar & Michelle Woods: The Restore-rant

Sensehacking the home and healing games for the soul

29.08.2021 Performance

Imge Özbilge: Watering the Seraphim

28.08.2021 Artist talk

Ilan Manouach: Shapereader

Musical guests: Manu Louis & Amina Osmanu

28.08.2021 Performance

Eline De Clercq: Learning about plants

Introduction to the colours, shapes and names of plants in the garden

28.08.2021 Guided tour

De Collectieve Collectie

Photo shoot & collages

28.08.2021 Workshop

Cultural Weekend Antwerp

27.08.2021 — 29.08.2021

CANCELLED // Anne Kluytenaar & Michelle Woods: The Restore-rant

Sensehacking the home and healing games for the soul

22.08.2021 Performance

White Cube (2020)

Renzo Martens

21.08.2021 Film

De Collectieve Collectie

Casting in plaster, weaving and threading

21.08.2021 Workshop

De Collectieve Collectie

Casting in plaster, knotting and threading

14.08.2021 Workshop

Claire Stragier: Animal Sees Art

08.08.2021 Performance

Claire Stragier: Musseum

For kids between 6 - 12 years old

08.08.2021 Workshop

De Collectieve Collectie

Willow branches and wrapping

07.08.2021 Workshop

Guided tour on Sunday with Koi Persyn

01.08.2021 Guided tour

Chantal van Rijt: Future Relics

Making palaeontological imprints with clay

01.08.2021 Workshop

Meggy Rustamova

Screening short films & artist talk

31.07.2021 Presentation

Ilan Manouach: Shapereader

Musical guests: Joachim Badenhorst & Elisabeth Klinck

31.07.2021 Performance

The Land of the Enlightened (2016)

Pieter-Jan De Pue

24.07.2021 Film

Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives (2010)

Apichatpong Weerashethakul

17.07.2021 Film

Anna Housiada: Bring a dish and a story

Food as an archive of cultural history and identity

11.07.2021 Presentation

Eline De Clercq: Learning about plants (sold out)

Introduction to the colours, shapes and names of plants in the garden

04.07.2021 Guided tour

Giving Birth (2015)

Fatou Kandé Senghor

03.07.2021 Film

Antwerp Art Weekend 2021

13.05.2021 — 16.05.2021

(Re)opening weekend

07.05.2021 — 09.05.2021

Cancelled - Performance by CMMC

31.10.2020 Performance

Public Observatory - Towards Civil Dusk

De Cleene De Cleene

27.06.2020 Performance

'Court Ki'

Amber Vanluffelen

23.06.2020 Performance

Artist talk Frederik Lizen

Simon Delobel in conversation with Frederik Lizen

11.06.2020 Artist talk

Filmmagie x Daily Nightshift

04.06.2020 — 28.06.2020 Film

Launch TIM magazine

28.02.2020 Guest project

Opening 'Felicity Hammond. Remains in Development'

Felicity Hammond

24.01.2020 Opening

Artist talk with Gerard Herman and Sine Van Menxel

moderated by Valerie Verhack (curator Museum M)

04.12.2019 Artist talk

Guided tour on Sunday

‘Family Fictions’ and ‘Sol Calero. ISLA’

01.12.2019 Guided tour

EXTRA INTERACTIE meets meetingpoints: 'Kunst stof?'

by and for young people

01.12.2019 Workshop

Guided tour on Sunday

‘Family Fictions’ and ‘Sol Calero. ISLA’

17.11.2019 Guided tour

Gerard Herman presents a musical evening


14.11.2019 Performance

EXTRA INTERACTIE meets meetingpoints: 'Kunstzinnig of zinnige kunst?'

by and for young people

10.11.2019 Workshop


a short film programme in the context of 'Family Fictions'


Guided tour on Sunday

‘Family Fictions’ and ‘Sol Calero. ISLA’

03.11.2019 Guided tour

Workshop by Gluklya

‘Utopian Unemployment Union’

22.10.2019 — 26.10.2019 Workshop

Guided tour on Sunday

‘Family Fictions’ and ‘Sol Calero. ISLA’

20.10.2019 Guided tour

Opening 'Gerard Herman and Sine Van Menxel: The choice of Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven'

with concert by Gerard Herman and presentation edition

18.10.2019 Opening

Guided tour on Sunday

‘Family Fictions’ and ‘Sol Calero. ISLA’

06.10.2019 Guided tour

Book launch 'Gloria' by Koen Sels

03.10.2019 Guest project

Guided tour on Sunday

‘Family Fictions’ and ‘Sol Calero. ISLA’

22.09.2019 Guided tour

Artist talks 'STRT Kit #5'

a walk-through the exhibition

19.09.2019 Artist talk


14.09.2019 — 08.12.2019 Film

13 September - Opening 3 new exhibitions


13.09.2019 Opening

SUNDAY 30 JUNE - Finissage with afternoon programme

with guided tour, lecture, debate and performance


Guided tour on Sunday

'Deadly Affairs'

23.06.2019 Guided tour

From white paper to whiteboard

A visual seminar on distribution in visual arts

20.06.2019 Symposium

Safari Pulse

in Kunsthal Extra City and 'Deadly Affairs'


Artist talk Elias Cafmeyer

in conversation with Johan Pas

13.06.2019 Artist talk

Guided tour on Sunday

'Deadly Affairs'

09.06.2019 Guided tour

Book Sale

during Eikelstraat Flea Market


Maak De Stad. Lecture #8: Human-oriented urban development

Rosario Talevi (Universität der Künste, Berlin) & Maarten Desmet (Endeavour, Antwerp)

05.06.2019 Lecture

Detox: futurist short films & sound scapes

filmprogramme in the context of 'Deadly Affairs'

29.05.2019 Film

Guided tour on Sunday

'Deadly Affairs'

26.05.2019 Guided tour

Free guided tour 'Deadly Affairs'

during the Antwerp Art Weekend

19.05.2019 Guided tour

Book sale

during the Antwerp Art Weekend

18.05.2019 — 19.05.2019

Maak De Stad. Lecture #7: Learning labs for the city of tomorrow

Sam Thorne (Nothingham Contemporary) & Wouter Vanstiphout (The Independent School for the City and Crimson Historians and Urbanists)

18.05.2019 Lecture

Opening 'Elias Cafmeyer: The choice of Ria Pacquée'

during the Antwerp Art Weekend

16.05.2019 Opening

Presentation new edition by Elias Cafmeyer

in collaboration with Ria Pacquée


Antwerp Art Weekend at Kunsthal Extra City


16.05.2019 — 19.05.2019

Guided tour on Sunday

'Deadly Affairs'

12.05.2019 Guided tour

Guided tour on Sunday

'Deadly Affairs'

28.04.2019 Guided tour

Screening film ‘Breathless’

followed by a conversation with Daniel Lambo

18.04.2019 Film

Guided tour on Sunday

'Deadly Affairs'

14.04.2019 Guided tour

Guided tour on Sunday

'Deadly Affairs'

31.03.2019 Guided tour

Nocturne - during Borger #16

28.03.2019 Nocturne

Opening 'Deadly Affairs'

22.03.2019 Opening

‘Conversation’ with Anne Bielig

Imagining Monuments

03.03.2019 Discussion

‘Conversation’ with Anne Bielig

Imagining Monuments

10.02.2019 Discussion

‘Conversation’ met Anne Bielig

Imagining Monuments

27.01.2019 Discussion

Imagining Monuments with Julie Carlier, Saddie Choua, Katinka De Jonge and Els De Vos, among others

On female representation in the city of today

24.01.2019 Discussion

Finissage exhibition and presentation editions

Vedran Kopljar and Evelin Brosi & Elvis Bonier

16.12.2018 Presentation

Guided tour on Sunday

'Extra States: Nations in Liquidation'

09.12.2018 — 09.10.2018 Guided tour

Guided tour on Sunday

'Extra States: Nations in Liquidation'

25.11.2018 — 25.10.2018 Guided tour

Nations are so last-century right?

Four films on new states

22.11.2018 Film

Guided tour on Sunday - canceled!

'Extra States: Nations in Liquidation'

11.11.2018 Guided tour

Guided tour on Sunday

'Extra States: Nations in Liquidation'

28.10.2018 Guided tour

Opening exhibition 'Vedran Kopljar and Evelin Brosi & Elvis Bonier'

The choice of Guillaume Bijl

26.10.2018 Opening

Info session Cultuurloket

Achieve more with social media

25.10.2018 Guest project

Guided tour on Sunday

'Extra States: Nations in Liquidation'

14.10.2018 Guided tour

Borger #14

'Extra States: Nations in Liquidation' and 'STRT Kit #4'

12.10.2018 Nocturne

Guided tour on Sunday

'Extra States: Nations in Liquidation'

30.09.2018 Guided tour

Opening exhibition 'Extra States: Nations in Liquidation'

with performances by Chto Delat and Mustafa Kör

21.09.2018 Opening

Opening exhibition 'STRT Kit #4: WE’RE THIS AND WE’RE THAT, AREN’T WE?'

with Jeroen Bocken, Chloë Delanghe, Céline Mathieu, Ans Mertens, Puck Vonk

21.09.2018 Opening

Guided tour on Sunday

Eating Each Other

01.07.2018 Guided tour

Workshop for children (5 till 10 years old)

Young Citizens Programme

01.07.2018 Workshop

Maak De Stad. Lecture #6: Inclusieve Transformatie

Petra Pferdmenges (Alive Architecture)

27.06.2018 Lecture

Guided tour on Sunday

Eating Each Other

17.06.2018 Guided tour

Radouan Mriziga

Performative moment ‘0.extracity’

16.06.2018 Performance

Guided tour on Sunday

Eating Each Other

03.06.2018 Guided tour

Radouan Mriziga

Performative moment ‘0.extracity’

02.06.2018 Performance

Maak De Stad. Lecture #5: Duurzame Woonmodellen

Stijn Oosterlynck (Collectief Goed) & Karel Lootens (Wooncoop)

30.05.2018 Lecture

Guided tour during the Antwerp Art Weekend

Eating Each Other

27.05.2018 Guided tour

Antwerp Art Weekend

Fourth edition

25.05.2018 — 27.05.2018

What Remains is Future

An installation by David Bergé

25.05.2018 — 03.06.2018 Guest project


An exhibition by candidate laureates 2018 of HISK

25.05.2018 — 27.05.2018 Guest project

Extra Academy #54: International Symposium. Embodied Words

Concrete and Visual Poetry in Italy and Belgium in the 60s and 70s

24.05.2018 — 25.05.2018 Symposium

Guided tour on Sunday

Eating Each Other

20.05.2018 Guided tour

Workshop for children (5 till 10 years old)

Young Citizens Programme

20.05.2018 Workshop

Radouan Mriziga

19.05.2018 Performance

Guided tour during Made in Berchem

Eating Each Other

06.05.2018 Guided tour

Made in Berchem

Visit Kunsthal Extra City, Extra Fika Café, Platform 0090 and Kunst/Werk


Maak De Stad. Lecture #4: Coöperatieve Stadsontwikkeling

Jeroen Laven (STIPO) & Levente Polyak (Eutropian)

25.04.2018 Lecture

Guided tour on Sunday

Eating Each Other

22.04.2018 Guided tour

Workshop for children (5 till 10 years old)

Young Citizens Programme

22.04.2018 Workshop

Performance Weekend

Eating Each Other

20.04.2018 — 21.04.2018 Performance

Extra Academy #53: Jabulani Maseko

Food. Security

19.04.2018 Lecture

Radouan Mriziga

14.04.2018 Performance

Guided tour on Sunday

Eating Each Other

08.04.2018 Guided tour

Maak De Stad. Lecture #3: Gedeeld Goed

Steven Ceuppens (Samen voor de theatergarage) & Michel Bauwens (P2P Foundation)

28.03.2018 Lecture

Extra Academy #52: Antonia Alampi

The Brain and the Muscle

28.03.2018 Lecture

Guided tour on Sunday

'Eating Each Other'

25.03.2018 Guided tour

Radouan Mriziga

Performative moment ‘0.extracity’

24.03.2018 Performance

Opening 'Eating Each Other'

With performances by NO BULL and Amanda Piña

23.03.2018 Opening

Knowing Me, Knowing You. The Lecture-Performance as a Medium?

12.03.2018 — 16.03.2018 Guest project

Family Fictions II

Family, Property and the State

08.03.2018 Reading group



01.03.2018 Guest project

Maak De Stad. Lezing #2: Tijdelijkheid en reactivering

Toon Manders (Miss Miyagi) and Pepijn Kennis (Toestand)

28.02.2018 Lecture

Babenko - De Wachter - Pawlowski

Paintings - Poems Bukowski - Music

24.02.2018 Guest project

Extra Academy #51: Sophie Nys

22.02.2018 Lecture

Friction Building

screeningprogram by Anne Reijniers and Rob Jacobs

15.02.2018 Film

Maak De Stad. Lezing #1: De Toekomst Van Werk

Jim Segers, coordinator of City Mine(d) and Fons Leroy, director of VDAB

12.02.2018 Lecture

Opening On Monumental Silences

by Ibrahim Mahama

27.01.2018 Opening

Bookpresentation 'Contact' by Maarten Inghels

by De Bezige Bij

18.01.2018 Presentation

Silent Recreations

performative en participative action by Ibrahim Mahama

16.01.2018 Artistic intervention

Guided tour on Sunday

03.12.2017 Guided tour

CANCELLED - Workshop for children (5 till 12 years old)

Young Citizens Program

03.12.2017 Workshop

Discussion VIII: 'Family fictions'

Reading group by Laura Herman and Charlotte Van Buylaere

30.11.2017 Reading group

Guided tour on Sunday

19.11.2017 Guided tour

Arts Day for Children - Workshop (5 till 12 years old)

Young Citizens Program

19.11.2017 Workshop

Discussion VII: 'Tools for hacking'

PAN PAN PAN: 'For the What?' - Claire Williams​

09.11.2017 Workshop

Guided tour on Sunday

05.11.2017 Guided tour

Workshop for children (5 till 12 years old)

Young Citizens Program

05.11.2017 Workshop

Discussion VI: 'An alternative global currency'

Launch of the local node for Faircoin

26.10.2017 Presentation

Guided tour by curator Övül Ö. Durmusoglu

in the exhibition 'STRT Kit #3 - Brief Flashes Against A World'

22.10.2017 Guided tour

Guided tour on Sunday

22.10.2017 Guided tour

Opening 'STRT Kit #3 - Brief Flashes Against A World'

Polien Boons, Kitty Kamp, Karen Moser, Amber Vanluffelen, Mathieu Verhaeghe

20.10.2017 Opening

Borger #12

13.10.2017 Nocturne

Extra Academy #47: Jorge Bodanzky

Introduction by Vijai Patchineelam

12.10.2017 Film

Guided tour on Sunday

08.10.2017 Guided tour

Discussion V: 'Democracy restaged'

Film ‘Agency’ by Adelita-Husni Bey, with conversation between Thomas Swerts and Michiel Vandevelde

28.09.2017 Film

Guided tour on Sunday

24.09.2017 Guided tour

Artist talk Lucinda Ra

14.09.2017 Artist talk

Lecture Stavros Stavrides

13.09.2017 Lecture

PAN PAN PAN: Electromagic

Pirate radio transmission + Balloon mapping

10.09.2017 Artistic intervention

Guided tour on Sunday

10.09.2017 Guided tour

Workshop for children (5 till 12 years old)

Young Citizens Program

10.09.2017 Workshop

Discussion III: Who owns the city?

Lecture Joachim Meerkerk and discussion with local actors

10.09.2017 Lecture

Guided tour on Sunday

10.09.2017 Guided tour

Workshop for children (5 till 12 years old)

Young Citizens Program

10.09.2017 Workshop

Fanzine Workshop Dan Perjovschi

10.09.2017 Workshop

Open Monuments Day

Kunsthal Extra City on the former site of Wasserij Goossens

10.09.2017 Guided tour


Myriam Van Imschoot

09.09.2017 Performance

Discussion II: Migrant Mothers' Creative Interventions into Citizenship

Lecture and conversation Umut Erel

09.09.2017 Lecture

Conversations: ‘Artistic citizenship’

Conversations between artists featured in the exhibition 'Extra Citizen' and the curators

09.09.2017 Discussion

Discussion I: 'A tale of three disappearances'

Lecture and conversation Lina Attalah

09.09.2017 Lecture

Music with Jan Matthé and Dj Daniel De Botanicus

Reopening Kunsthal Extra City

08.09.2017 Music


Jeff Poak with Bryana Fritz

08.09.2017 Performance


Myriam Van Imschoot

08.09.2017 Performance

Reopening Kunsthal Extra City

Opening weekend

08.09.2017 — 10.09.2017 Opening

Antwerp Art Weekend

18.05.2017 — 12.05.2017 Discussion



Made in Berchem

A trail along cultural and creative places in Berchem

29.05.2016 Guided tour

Extra Academy #38: BLESS

26.05.2016 Lecture

Antwerp Art Weekend


20.05.2016 — 22.05.2016

Extra Academy #37: Luca Vitone

'Nevertheless in motion'

28.04.2016 Lecture

Performance Sam Keogh

'Four Fold'

25.03.2016 Performance

Extra Academy #35: Helen Dowling

'The Personal Image'

25.02.2016 Lecture

Book launch ‘Cross-Examinations’

11.12.2015 Bookpresentation

The Mobile and Temporary Studio for Research and Production #4

A 37 90 89 - forum, Stützpunkt, communicatiecentrum, platform for cooperation

27.11.2015 Guest project

The Corner Show #04 / performance by Maatschappij Discordia

On the occasion of the exhibition 'The Corner Show'

25.11.2015 — 26.11.2015 Artistic intervention

The Mobile and Temporary Studio for Research and Production #3

A 37 90 89 - forum, Stützpunkt, communicatiecentrum, platform for cooperation

20.11.2015 Guest project

The Corner Show #03 / lecture 'Corners in Film' by Steven Jacobs

On the occasion of the exhibition 'The Corner Show'.

19.11.2015 Lecture

Kunstendag voor Kinderen

Workshop 'make a corner piece'

15.11.2015 Workshop

The Mobile and Temporary Studio for Research and Production #2

A 37 90 89 - forum, Stützpunkt, communicatiecentrum, platform for cooperation

14.11.2015 Guest project

Extra Academy #32: Bianca Baldi

12.11.2015 Lecture

Extra City Vitrine #01 / The Translator's Note

10.11.2015 — 06.01.2016 Opening

Performance 'Livro de Todo o Universo (Chopped and Screwed)' / by Bianca Baldi

This performance takes place in the Museum Plantin-Moretus.

08.11.2015 Performance

The Mobile and Temporary Studio for Research and Production #1

A 37 90 89 - forum, Stützpunkt, communicatiecentrum, platform for cooperation

06.11.2015 Guest project

The Corner Show #02 / Lecture by Wouter Davidts & Moritz Küng

On the occasion of the exhibition 'The Corner Show'.

29.10.2015 Lecture

The Corner Show #01 / Lecture 'Becoming a Building' by Michiel Huijben & 'Sound-Score for a Sculpture'

On the occasion of the exhibition 'The Corner Show'.

22.10.2015 Lecture

Architecture Day

11.10.2015 Guided tour

Borger #07

25.09.2015 Archive

Summer School, edition 1

Mobile Autonomy. Organizing ourselves as artists today

23.08.2015 — 29.08.2015 Lecture


On the occasion of Neighbours' Day

29.05.2015 Archive

Open call / Nicoline Van Harskamp - Deadline 5/6

25.05.2015 — 05.06.2015

Lecture Sunville / by Ives Maes

Followed by a talk between Ives Maes and curator Mihnea Mircan

21.05.2015 Lecture

Borger #06

With free guided tour and lecture performance

08.05.2015 Guided tour

Extra Academy #27: Edwin Deen

19.03.2015 Lecture

Extra Academy #26: Oscar Hugal

25.02.2015 Lecture

Antwerp Art Weekend

29.01.2015 — 01.02.2015 Performance

Extra Academy #25: Davide Bertocchi

Extra University

28.01.2015 Lecture

A distinctly trip edge #5

Film program

05.12.2014 Film

A distinctly trip edge #4

Film program

28.11.2014 Film

Extra City Neighbour Day

With guided tours, workshops, food and drinks

23.11.2014 Guided tour

A distinctly trip edge #3

Film program

21.11.2014 Film

Extra Academy #24: Sébastien Delire

Extra University

19.11.2014 Lecture

A distinctly trip edge #2

Film program

14.11.2014 Film

A distinctly trip edge #1

Film program

07.11.2014 Film

Book launch Raymond Barion

07.11.2014 Bookpresentation

Opening: Allegory of the Cave Painting. The Other Way Around

Opening at the Braem Pavilion

25.10.2014 Opening

Publication 'Allegory of the Cave Painting' - Available in the bookshop!

20.09.2014 — 07.12.2014 Bookpresentation

Made in Berchem

Tour along creative and cultural spots in Berchem

18.05.2014 Guided tour

Extra Academy #21: Machiko Harada

03.04.2014 — 04.04.2014 Lecture

Extra Academy #19: Yann Sérandour

28.02.2014 — 27.02.2014 Lecture

Screening #5: "Desire"

20.02.2014 Film

Screening #4: "Creation"

04.02.2014 Film

Screening #3: "Assemblage"

23.01.2014 Film

Free guided tour - Jean-Luc Moulène

19.01.2014 Guided tour

Ilke De Vries - The Door

16.01.2014 Presentation

Screening #2: "Archaeology"

09.01.2014 Film

Screening #1: "Erosion"

With 'Blight' (John Smith) and 'Suna no onna' (Hiroshi Teshikahara)

19.12.2013 Film

Turnhoutsebaan 110

12.12.2013 Guest project

Extra Academy #18: Tine Melzer

"Word Games"

05.12.2013 Lecture


Lecture by Mark Jarzombek and performance by Adrien Tirtiaux

14.11.2013 Lecture

Extra Academy #17: Beatrice von Bismarck

Capitalising Attitudes - Re-enacting Exhibitions

14.11.2013 Lecture

Book launch: ‘From Brown To Blue’

A book by Pol Matthé, Jochem Vanden Ecker, Kris Kimpe, Martin Maloney.

14.11.2013 Bookpresentation


Lecture by Adrian Lahoud and a film by Victor Kossakovsky

07.11.2013 Lecture

Extra Academy #16: Lorenzo Bruni

25.10.2013 — 24.10.2013 Lecture


Film by Al Reinert and performance by the Drama Students, Royal Conservatory Antwerp

17.10.2013 Film


Lecture by Hugh Campbell and short film by Charles & Ray Eames

10.10.2013 Lecture


04.10.2013 Artist talk

Extra Academy #9: Saša Karali?

24.10.2012 Lecture

Heidegger's Mom and the Joke of Democracy: Fictional Notes on the Political

Opening lecture by Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei

05.10.2012 Lecture


Jean-François Chevrier in conversation with Santu Mofokeng and Ahlam Shibli

02.05.2012 — 03.05.2012 Artist talk

Extra Academy #8: Hermann Pitz

Including presentation of the book 'Art Worlds' by Howard S. Becker.

20.04.2012 Lecture

Reading room #6: lectures by Christine Gerrard and John McTague

The Residence (reading room)

24.03.2012 Lecture

Artist Talk: Magicgruppe Kulturobjekt

21.03.2012 Artist talk

Reading room #4: lecture by Bert de Muynck

The Residence (reading room)

10.03.2012 Lecture

Extra Academy #7: Thomas Mayfried & Luc Derycke

Two lectures on graphic design and art

06.03.2012 Lecture

P.A.D + Y by Mamaza

Dance performance

20.01.2012 — 21.01.2012 Guest project

1:1 Symposium

A public guided tour, lectures and discussions

13.01.2012 Guided tour

Society as Prison

Jonas Staal and Frascati Productions

21.12.2011 — 22.12.2011 Artistic intervention

Extra Academy #5: Thomas Bayrle

13.12.2011 Archive

Caner Aslan - Rehearsals for Pedagogy in the Field

Extra Muros

10.12.2011 — 18.12.2011 Lecture

Pelin Tan: Beyond Biopolitics

08.12.2010 Lecture

Lecture by André Rottmann

Writer/critic André Rottmann presents a text on the work of Falke Pisano.

29.10.2010 — 30.10.2010 Lecture

Jef Cornelis: TV works

Films and lectures

19.10.2010 — 20.10.2010 Film

Lecture by Laurent Mannoni


29.04.2010 Lecture

Guided tour and film program Animism

In Extra City and M HKA

24.04.2010 Film

Assembly by Agency


04.04.2010 Performance

Petrified Unrest: Lecture by Esther Leslie


11.03.2010 Lecture

Book launch 'Animism Volume I'

25.02.2010 Bookpresentation

Opening Program Animism

In Extra City and M HKA

21.01.2010 Opening

Film screening 'Act of Resistance'

Studio 5

17.12.2009 Film

Film screening 'A Throw of Dice'

Studio 4

11.12.2009 Film

Film screening 'The Homeless' Archive'

Studio 3

04.12.2009 Film

Film screening 'Too Soon/Too late'

Studio 1

21.11.2009 — 20.11.2009 Film

Film screening 'Mountains on Fire'

Studio 2

20.11.2009 Film

Film screening 'Moses and Aaron'

with an introduction by Eyal Sivan

12.11.2009 Film

The Nigger Who Dared Conquer The Sky

Film program and lecture by Balufu Bakupa-Kanyinda

23.10.2009 Film

Thinking Architecture: Letters Without Address

Anselm Franke in conversation with Lieven de Boeck

02.10.2009 Discussion

The Future in Ruins: Reflections on African Modernity

Film program and lecture by Kobena Mercer

18.09.2009 Film

Eisenstein & Animism

Lecture by Anselm Franke

20.06.2009 Lecture

Eisenstein & Disney

Lecture by Oksana Bulgakowa

15.05.2009 Lecture

Eisenstein in Mexico

Film program at MuHKA_media

05.05.2009 — 25.05.2009 Lecture

Eisenstein's '¡Que viva México!'

Lecture by Oksana Bulgakowa

03.04.2009 Lecture

Roee Rosen on Justine Frank

14.02.2009 Lecture

Rabih Mroué: Make Me Stop Smoking


11.01.2008 Performance

Rainbow Audio Transformation

08.01.2008 — 13.01.2008 Workshop

Underground / Overseas #2


07.12.2007 — 08.12.2007 Film

Underground / Overseas #1


05.10.2007 — 06.10.2007 Film

Beginners & Begetters

Talks and Discussions

20.09.2007 Lecture



28.06.2007 — 29.06.2007 Performance

How Come the Heart of Darkness Is Colored?

Lecture by Michael Taussig

05.05.2007 — 06.05.2007 Lecture

Stories, Yet Incompleted

Extra City at Art Brussels

20.04.2007 — 23.04.2007 Presentation

Lecture Krist Gruijthuijsen

23.11.2006 Lecture

More stories on absence: film screenings

06.10.2006 — 10.12.2006 Film

The Galleries Show: public programme

19.04.2006 — 23.04.2006