Opening exhibition 'STRT Kit #4: WE’RE THIS AND WE’RE THAT, AREN’T WE?'

with Jeroen Bocken, Chloë Delanghe, Céline Mathieu, Ans Mertens, Puck Vonk

21.09.2018, 19:00 — 23:00 Opening


19:00 Opening exhibitions 'Extra States: Nations in Liquidation' and STRT Kit #4. WE’RE THIS AND WE’RE THAT, AREN’T WE?

19:00 (15') reading of the poem 'Utopia Bloemen' by Mustafa Kör (in Dutch) in the context of Goldin+Senneby's contribution to the exhibition 'Extra States'

20:00 (60') performance ‘Slow Orientation in Zapatism’ by Chto Delat (in English) related to their project in the exhibition 'Extra States'

21:00 (15') reading of the poem 'Utopia Flowers' by Mustafa Kör (in English)

Location Kunsthal Extra City - Antwerpen-Berchem, Eikelstraat 25-31, 2600 Antwerpen

STRT Kit #4 22.09.2018—14.10.2018